Encontro Internacional de Cicloficinas

A Cicloficina dos Anjos estará representada no Encontro Internacional de Cicloficinas, em Roma.

Neste momento, a Érica e a Linda já estarão em Roma onde apresentarão o trabalho da Cicloficina dos Anjos e recolherão ideias, modelos e experiências para depois partilharem connosco.
Participarão também a Ciemmona, a Massa Crítica de Roma, que celebra esta sexta o seu 10º aniversário.

Esta ida a Roma só foi possível com o apoio da Federação Portuguesa de Cicloturismo e Utilizadores de Bicicleta, da Ana, do João e do Pedro.

Three days of Bike Kitchen Forum (May 29th – 31st) in Rome

After ten years of wrenches and ideas, we would like to reflect about the meaning and the evolution of today’s Bike Kitchens and Bike Communities, the sense of the reappropriation of the common spaces and the importance of the knowledge exchange. We feel the need to think about our bike riding direction and about the meaning of our mechanical skills. Starting from these questions we decided to share these thoughts with others Bike Kitchens which have similar experiences and horizons, even though belonging to dissimilar metropolitan environments. Places where, for example, biking is already part of the means of transport and it’s regulated by laws and standard normative, or places in which Bike Kitchens are sponsored by public or private entities, or can be organized as non-profit entities.

We are convinced that putting together all these Bike Kitchens, in their similarities and mainly differences, we will be able to bring a renewed conscience in our global thinking and local acting.

For all these reasons we thought to create a gathering between the Bike Kitchens and Critical Mass which will take place the preceding week to the 10th Ciemmona.

Mais informações:

The Forum: http://ciclofficinepopolari.it/en/iniziative/2013/forum-delle-ciclofficine/
The 10th Interplanetary Critical Mass (Ciemmona): http://ciemmona.org/en